Friday, March 13, 2009

World of SINS


Right from our birth, we have been told a lot and lot and lot about sins. Its always told to us that Human beings are bound to do a sin and later has to repent to the God / Creator for getting forgiveness. So there are certain aspects called as Sins, and if we commit a sin, we should bow down to God to ask for forgiveness. Else we will be punished by God for the Sins we commit.

But What exactly are these SINS?

A person is said to commit a sin when he / she breaks the rules of a society. A society is a well knit structure for better living and rules are helpful to the humans to live WITHOUT DISTURBING the fellow humans. And when someone breaks the rules, he is said to commit a sin.

All these are social factors. But When it comes to disturb an individual, then?

Now, isn't there a Sin while you kill a life? or If a person is beaten, isnt that a sin? and Now, isn't Terrorism - a sin ?

Beautiful questions.

A person kills another LIFE and isn't that a SIN?

I would call it an event that originates due to SELFISH interest in mind, and occurs due to the wish to survive. A person is ready to destroy another Life for his / her survival.

Yes, I can hear you telling - even that another Life has the complete right to Live. So, who is this person to destroy that life? Hence it has to be called a SIN.

Let me ask you something.

Have you removed a weed plant that had grown in and around your house?
Have you killed a mosquito?
Have you removed a spider web in your house?
Have you plucked a flower from a plant?
Have you plucked a leaf from a plant?
Have you wiped away the ants in your bathroom?
Have you ben watchful to see whether there is an ant on the road when you drive?
Have you hit a fly while driving your car?
Have you poured your remaining waste soap water into drainage after washing clothes?

If i continue, the list will be very BIG. I just want to drive the point that there is destruction of Life, in a normal human's day to day activity. The fact is, its not getting noticed. Coz the life that is getting affected is not of bigger size. Or those activities are not categorised as SINS.

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