I make mistakes...
I do many things..
While doing, I think I am right while others find I am wrong...
I am not PERFECT..
I live on the planet called Earth.
Humans live here...
Humans aren't perfect.
Never have been.
Never shall be.
So I don't always wear the right clothes.
It might be right according to me...
But not for others...
And I don't do right things...
It might be Right for me...
But not for others..
I don't draw a perfect painting...
I don't play a perfect music in piano..
I don't always do what people expect of me.
I am human.
I am imperfect.
But there is no one else like me in this whole wide world.
I am unique..
I am a miracle..
I am born a masterpiece..
- March 28, 2012