Friday, December 23, 2016

Who am I in your Life?

Who am i in your life?

A question came to me a few minutes back from one of the most important human being i have been living along throughout for past 10 years. I didn't answer immediately to that human and started typing this.

For it had been a normal man, the answer would've been - you are an important person in my life. But even i know that is a valid statement here, i preferred to be quiet. This question has opened up a lot of new questions in my life. It has started cleaning my memory and is putting all the learning of my past lifetime into a virtual shredder. Instead of feeling panic i am enjoying it. I am feeling lighter.

I already have this question of Who am I? I have been looking out for this answer for years. Now the same question looks different when someone asks me.

Is the question meant to give an answer - in the criteria of physical relationship?
Should i answer is - after assessing and measuring the importance i have for that human in my mind?
Will the answer be based on the importance levels, the other human expect me to have about them?
Will i have to say the answer based on the societal bench marked norms?

Next the questions that come up are different.
Is it really a mistake on my part that i made some one ask such a question to me? Should i feel ashamed about it?

What if i say i don't have an answer? Will that be another mistake?

This mind gets its food only based on activity. I think it will die, If it ceases to be active. Poor Mind. How many questions it has created within a minute.

Till now i haven't given my answer. Coz the truth i can see in me is - I really don't know. Or i can say - just to give a closer answer is - Nothing.

Both the cases the questioner will be offended.

Silence is the best answer - always. Forever.

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